It is a service that can be applied at home or while out in the community.
Companion Care is a non-medical service that can be customized and tailored to fit an individual and their needs. In general terms, companion care spans both the social and physical care of an individual. The goal of companion care as a service is to:
Provide emotional support
Improve the quality of life
Provide companionship
Companion Care tasks that we commonly provide:
Assistance with shopping/errands, gardening, home projects, bathing, mobility, meal planning and preparation.
Providing medication prompts/reminders, conversation opportunities, and incidental transportation.
Monitoring personal safety and dietary needs as well as accompaniment to doctor’s visits.
How Does Companion Care Help Your Elders?
Elderly companion care provides seniors with social interaction and regular camaraderie — ending the cycle of chronic isolation – to reduce the risk of mental and physical health issues.
Companion Care
Your elderly loved one’s mood, temperament, and well-being is sudden, troubling swings ...
Though unexpected behavioral changes are common in seniors, these abrupt fluctuations can sometimes result from the adverse effects of loneliness, isolation, or boredom.
Companion care can help.